Sunday, January 31, 2010


We have one suggestion for APM (see commment on last entry). Anyone else game? I think a roundtable could be great...sort of Academic Associate Deans: Roles and Challenges. What do folks think? Anna

Thursday, January 21, 2010


OK, here is a first post for our group. Would anyone be interested in submitting a proposal to APM again this year? At our SIGs we've talked about student suitability and how to manage, the scope of our jobs, the struggles of productivity, sucession, and lots of other things. Any interest in tackling something, maybe as a roundtable or panel?
Cheers all,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Welcome to the blog for Associate Deans of Academic Affairs at schools of social work! This blog will be a great way for us to ask each other questions, share thoughts and resources, and record it all in one place (rather than going back through old emails). If you make a blog entry, remember to email us via the listserv ( so we can check it out and post comments and responses. We can keep track of topics via the blog archive.

Looking forward to more helpful, smart, and supportive conversation!